
Sunday, August 26, 2018

Immigration Opinions, 8/26/18

Immigration Opinions, 8/26/18

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This email includes a wide range of views, provided for educational purposes. Inclusion does not constitute an endorsement by the Center for Immigration Studies   
1. "Mollie Tibbetts, R.I.P.," Mark Krikorian
2. "More Immigration, Less Teen Employment," Steven Camarota
3. "What Is the Real Identity of the Illegal Alien Who Murdered Mollie Tibbetts?," Dan Cadman
4. "An Interesting Case Illuminates the Difference Between Extradition and Deportation, and the Complexity of Our Laws," Dan Cadman
5. "A Long-Removable Nazi Collaborator and an Alleged Terrorist Reveal Weaknesses in the Immigration System," Andrew R. Arthur
6. "The Unexpected Order in Ms. L," Andrew R. Arthur
7. "Current Low Refugee Admissions Are Guided by New Vetting Measures," Nayla Rush
8. "After Reviewing FBI Evidence, Lawyers for Suspected Anti-ICE Extremist Withdraw Request for Bail," Todd Bensman
9. "From Protected Immigration Advocacy to Domestic Terrorism Threat?," Todd Bensman
10. "Both Department of Labor and Private Suits Attack H-1B Practices," David North
11. "What Nation Is Second When the Big Outsourcers Are Hiring H-1Bs?," David North
12. "SPLC's Heidi Beirich: A Character Assassin Under the Banner of 'Peace, Respect, and Understanding'," Jerry Kammer
13. "Steny Hoyer, Following the SPLC, Takes the Low Road Toward Electoral Oblivion," Jerry Kammer
14. "Somali Refugees Busted in Tucson," Michael Cutler
15. "Democrats' Attack on ICE Agents is Working," Michael Cutler
16. "Here's the Terrible Secret About Why Democrats Did a Complete 180 on Illegal Immigration and Border Security," Jenny Beth Martin
17. "Reduce Undocumented Population by Targeting Aliens Overstaying Visa Waiver Program," Nolan Rappaport
18. "The Diversity of Illegal Immigration," Victor Davis Hanson
19. "Why Illegal-Immigrant Crime Can Be Particularly Painful," David French
20. "Don't Exaggerate the Effects on Immigrant Admissions of Tightening the Public-Charge Rule," Reihan Salam
21. "Rural America and Illegal Immigration," Steve Deace
22. "The Open-Borders Crowd's 'Imaginary Constitution' Says Everywhere Must Be a Sanctuary City," David Jaroslav
23. "Why Come to America if They Don't Want to be Americans?," Jeffrey A. Friedberg
24. "Elizabeth Warren to Mollie Tibbetts' Family: You Need to Focus on 'Real Problems' Like Immigrant Family Separations," Bre Payton
25. "Uncontrolled Immigration Seemingly Baked into System," Bruce Bialosky
26. " 'Future of the Dem Party' Ocasio-Cortez Just Said ICE Freely Molests Women," S. Noble
27. "We Are All Mollie Tibbetts Today — Our Country Mourns This Senseless Murder,"
28. "Elizabeth Warren's Tone-Deaf Talk on CNN Could Alienate Iowa Voters," Hillary Chabot
29. "#AbolishICE "Abolished" Mollie Tibbetts," Daniel Greenfield
30. "The Politicians Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts," George Rasley
31. "What is the Acceptable Number of Murders and Rapes of American Daughters to Accommodate Illegal Aliens?," Dr. John
32. "A Nazi War Criminal Meets ICE," Joseph Klein
33. "Elizabeth Warren Takes Wrong Side," The Boston Herald
34. "Mollie Tibbetts' Death by an Illegal Alien Was Tragic But the REALLY Bad News is She's Far From the Only One," J.D. Heyes
35. "Two Young Women Murdered; Two Illegals Suspected," R. Cort Kirkwood
36. "Let Them Stay," Christian Alejandro Gonzalez
37. "How Trump Radicalized ICE," Franklin Foer
38. "Listen to Mollie Tibbetts' Family, Not the Fear-Mongering Rhetoric," Marcos Bretón
39. "Punishing Lawfulness: Trump's Assault on Authorized Migration," David Hernández
40. France: "Macron's Partition of France?," Yves Mamou

Mollie Tibbetts, R.I.P.
The role of immigration policy failures
By Mark Krikorian
National Review Online, August 24, 2018

How responsible is immigration policy for Mollie Tibbetts's murder?

The chief culprit, obviously, is the murderer himself, Mexican illegal alien Cristhian Rivera (if that's even his real name). But immigration control is one of the elemental responsibilities of the national government, and it failed in this case. As Senator Tom Cotton put it: "Mollie would be alive if our government had taken immigration enforcement seriously years ago."

But there are different levels of culpability. The government bears the greatest share of blame when the authorities have an illegal alien in custody, they know he's deportable, they release him anyway, and he goes on to commit more crimes. For example, it's not too much to say that the elected and appointed officials of San Francisco were accomplices in the deaths of Kate Steinle and the Bologna family because of that city's sanctuary policies.

The least share of responsibility would accrue to our immigration policies if an alien managed to infiltrate the country undetected and then had no interactions with government or any other institutions of our society before committing his crime. Given how unserious we are about immigration enforcement, our policies would still warrant a share of the blame, but the responsibility would be more diffuse and indirect.

The Tibbetts murder falls somewhere in between. Unlike the killers of Steinle, the Bolognas, Menachem Stark, Jamiel Shaw II, Drew Rosenberg, Grant Ronnebeck, Reginald Destin, and others, Tibbetts's killer was not shielded by a sanctuary jurisdiction and is not believed to have been previously arrested and released (though we may learn more in the coming days).

On the other hand, Tibbetts's killer is reported to have lived in the United States for seven years, from age 17, and worked at an Iowa dairy farm for four of those years. He worked on the books, having used a stolen identity to get past the Social Security–number check (not E-Verify) used by his employer. His lawyer said that the killer "diligently filed tax returns legally with the IRS." He had a car registered in someone else's name and managed to drive for years without a license. He had a child with a high-school classmate of Tibbetts's, meaning he was presumably listed as the father on the birth certificate.

That's a lot of interaction with our institutions. That an illegal alien can do all that — for years — without raising a red flag represents a profound failure of policy. For instance: He used someone else's identity to get the dairy-farm job — was the rightful owner of that identity notified when his Social Security number was used to check employment eligibility? If I make a change online to my bank account, I receive an email notifying me of the change so that if it was done improperly I can alert the bank. There is no such notification for the use of our most important personal identifiers, and the Social Security Administration resists the very suggestion of coordination with the immigration authorities to identify illegal aliens in the work force.

The killer filed tax returns, presumably using the stolen identity. Was the victim of this identity theft notified that another tax return was being filed in his name? Again, no — the IRS refuses cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security, even when it knows the filer is an illegal alien (as when a filer provides an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number on the tax return but has a different, stolen number on the W-2 form).

Given that he had a steady, on-the-books job, the killer probably had a bank account. Banks have to comply with a variety of federal "know your customer" regulations, but verifying the authenticity of the killer's documents (reportedly including an out-of-state non-driver ID) apparently was not one of them.

None of these gaps that allowed Mollie Tibbetts's killer to live here illegally for years is the fault of a lazy bureaucrat or an inattentive police officer. They are the result of policy choices that weaken our immigration security and enable someone like the killer to remain here with impunity.

Some fixes:

* I'm not a wall enthusiast, but it remains too easy to surreptitiously cross the border with Mexico. Just this week a caravan of 128 Mexicans and Central Americans, including young children, crossed en masse in Arizona because the border was marked only with three-foot-high vehicle barriers designed to stop cars but not people.

* Require systematic, built-in, ongoing cooperation between DHS, SSA, and IRS. There is no excuse for one hand of the federal government not knowing — not being allowed to know — what the other is doing.

* Mandate E-Verify for all new hires. To root out identity theft, the E-Verify bill in the House would require that people be notified when their Social Security number was used for employment.

* Require as a condition of receiving federal highway funds that all state DMVs participate in E-Verify's RIDE program, which authenticates driver's licenses or non-driver state IDs presented for employment.

As David French noted yesterday, "While no border can be perfectly guarded, we can do better. We simply choose not to." That choice probably cost a young girl her life. And that's our fault.

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More Immigration, Less Teen Employment
By Steven Camarota
National Review Online, August 23, 2018
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In a new analysis for the Center for Immigration Studies, Karen Ziegler and I examine teen summer employment in great detail. We project that just 42 percent of U.S.-born teens will have been in the labor force this summer. While this represents a slight improvement over last year, the rate is still well below the 48 percent in 2007, before the Great Recession, or the 61 percent at the peak of the prior expansion, in the summer of 2000. In fact, teen summer employment declined throughout the 1990s despite the generally good economy. The first summer for which we can measure the employment of U.S.-born teenagers separately from that of immigrant teens is 1994. Back then, 64 percent of the U.S.-born were in the summer labor force.

Work does not simply provide teen­agers with money; it helps to prepare them for a lifetime of employment. As economist Andrew Sum observed a few years back, "a substantial and growing body of literature on the early labor market experiences of young adults over the past 30 years indicates quite consistently that employment during the high school years generates a diverse number of favorable short-term and long-run positive impacts on their employability, wages, and earnings, especially among those who do not go on to complete any substantive amount of post-secondary education." About half of American high-school graduates do not go to college.
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As teenage employment has declined over the past three decades, the immigrant share of the labor force has doubled. And we find, consistent with other research, that immigration probably accounts for a significant share of the decline in teenage work. There is a long and complex debate about the impact of immigration on the wages and employment opportunities of native-born workers generally — I will not go into that here. But it is reasonably clear that immigration, both legal and illegal, has played a significant role in crowding American teens out of the labor market. One reason for this is that immigrants and teenagers often do the same kind of work.

I can't tell you how often I hear that Americans teenagers will never do farm work and that therefore they cannot be in job competition with immigrants. Just to be clear: Farm jobs are a trivial share of the modern U.S. labor force. At most, 2 percent of all immigrants (legal and illegal) are farm laborers. Among illegal immigrants, Pew Research has estimated, it is just 5 percent. To be sure, immigrants, especially illegal immigrants, make up a large share of farm workers, but farm workers are a tiny share of workers overall and even of immigrant workers. The farm lobby may keep concerns about agricultural labor front and center in the immigrant debate, but in truth, farm workers are largely irrelevant to deliberations about immigration's impact on American workers.
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What Is the Real Identity of the Illegal Alien Who Murdered Mollie Tibbetts?
By Dan Cadman
CIS Immigration Blog, August 23, 2018
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First, irony of ironies, that E-Verify is generally the better system. The reason for this is simple: Many immigration documents are backed up with biometric data— fingerprints, photographs, signatures, and the like. Thus there is often a basis for being sure that the document presented relates to the person presenting it; not always, but often. Compare that to the American Social Security card, which is infamous for being devoid of biometrics, or even much biographic data. This is ostensibly because of fears that it would ultimately be used as a national identity card, but the fact remains that without such safeguards, it isn't much to work with when performing automated system checks on a person hundreds of miles away.

Second, it tells us that Rivera used an alias and stole someone's identity (his employers say they knew him by a different name). He was using a legitimate Social Security number belonging to a real person, quite possibly a native-born U.S. citizen of Hispanic origins, or perhaps a lawful resident. Working in reverse, then, he could have gone out on the open market and procured himself a second document known as a "breeder document", which, in combination with his bogus-but-facially-legitimate Social Security card, could be used to obtain a driver's license or non-driver state ID in the name of the person whose identity he stole.

Thus armed with the driver's license (or non-driver ID) and Social Security card, it would have been easy — apparently was — to present himself to the farm, get passed through SSNVS checks, and begin employment. So right now, we don't really know the murderer's real identity, or whether he has a criminal history somewhere else such as Mexico, if indeed he is Mexican. Perhaps the police or ICE do by now, but we don't.
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An Interesting Case Illuminates the Difference Between Extradition and Deportation, and the Complexity of Our Laws
By Dan Cadman
CIS Immigration Blog, August 20, 2018
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The media is once again reporting on Chowdhury's case, this time with the headline that the Trump administration is poised to deport Chowdhury. Deportation is the only option for our government, given the lack of an extradition treaty.

If Chowdhury is to be removed from the United States through deportation, how could that come about if he's already been granted asylum? He would have to be found by an immigration judge not to have merited that status to begin with — quite possibly via a case made by the U.S. government that he withheld material information about his involvement in the murder of the Bangladesh head of state. In such an instance, the government would allege that he was removable as having been inadmissible at the time he entered the United States for having committed an act of terrorism, which, under immigration law, includes "[a] violent attack upon an internationally protected person ... or upon the liberty of such a person" or an assassination. (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1182(a)(3)(B)(iii), subclauses III and IV). Another ground of removability relates to those who have "[p]articipated in ... the commission of any act of ... extrajudicial killing". (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1227(a)(4)(D).)

That would not be the end of the story, however, because our immigration laws are, if nothing else, exceedingly complex. If found removable, Chowdhury would be entitled to ask the immigration court to withhold his removal. Interestingly, the grounds for claiming that relief are exactly the same as asylum — that one will be persecuted if returned. The difference is, though, that asylees can ultimately integrate into the fabric of America by becoming lawful residents and perhaps even naturalized citizens. Someone suffered to remain under the withholding statute lives in a kind of legal limbo — permitted to remain but never advance.
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A Long-Removable Nazi Collaborator and an Alleged Terrorist Reveal Weaknesses in the Immigration System
By Andrew Arthur
CIS Immigration Blog, August 23, 2018

Recent news reports have detailed the arrest of two notorious aliens in the United States: a former Nazi collaborator who purportedly worked at the Trawniki forced labor camp and an alleged ISIS fighter and murderer who was granted refugee status in the United States. Each of those cases points out weaknesses in our immigration system.

First, the alleged terrorist. According to Bay Area news station KRON, Omar Ameen, a 45-year-old Iraqi national, is believed by authorities to have led an ISIS convoy in Iraq in June 2014, 17 days after he was granted refugee status in the United States by "claiming to be a victim of terrorism". There, he allegedly killed a police officer in the town of Rawah after that town had been occupied by the terror group. Five months later, he came to the United States and resettled in Sacramento as a refugee.
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The Unexpected Order in Ms. L
Judge permits detained alien parents to keep their children with them.
By Andrew R. Arthur
CIS Immigration Blog, August 21, 2018
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In his order, Judge Sabraw stated, when DHS detains a Ms. L class member with his or her child in a family detention facility, and the child has the ability to assert rights under the Flores settlement agreement to be released from custody or transferred to a so-called "licensed program" under Flores, the preliminary injunction and implementing orders in Ms. L allow DHS to require class members to choose one of two options:

First, the parent can choose to remain in DHS custody with his or her child, "subject to any eligibility for release under existing laws and policies", waiving on behalf of the child the assertion of rights under Flores.

Second, and alternatively, the parent could waive the right not to be separated from his or her child under the preliminary injunction in Ms. L, and assert on behalf of the child "any such right under the Flores Settlement Agreement for the child to be released from custody or transferred to a 'licensed program'", in which case the child would, with the parent's consent, be separated from the parent "consistent with the Court's orders". As Judge Sabraw held: "In implementing this release or transfer, the government could transfer the child to HHS custody for placement and to be otherwise treated as an unaccompanied child."
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Current Low Refugee Admissions Are Guided by New Vetting Measures
Recent arrest in California of an Iraqi ISIS member shows the importance of security checks
By Nayla Rush
CIS Immigration Blog, August 23, 2018
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Following President's Trump's March 2017 executive order, "Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States", the United States government conducted an interagency joint review of the refugee admissions program (between the Departments of State (State), Homeland Security (DHS), and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)) to determine what additional procedures to put in place to make sure resettled refugees did not pose a threat to the United States.

Accordingly, USCIS started implementing new security measures and procedures to strengthen refugee screening. According to a DHS press release, those include but are not limited to, "increased data collection to more thoroughly investigate applicants, better information sharing between agencies to identify threat actors, and new training procedures to strengthen screener ability to detect fraud and deception."

Additional procedures for refugee applicants seeking resettlement in the United States are listed in a memo to President Trump issued by the heads of the State Department, DHS, and ODNI last October. For the application process, increased data collection and enhanced identity management are intended to make it harder for applicants to use deceptive tactics to come to the U.S.
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After Reviewing FBI Evidence, Lawyers for Suspected Anti-ICE Extremist Withdraw Request for Bail
By Todd Bensman
CIS Immigration Blog, August 22, 2018
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At Salazar's bond hearing Wednesday morning, ICE lawyers were going to try to persuade the judge to keep Salazar in ICE detention as a threat to public safety. Conversely, Salazar's RAICES lawyers told the judge they were going to argue for a $1,500 bond so he could go free.

That is, until the ICE lawyers provided 21 pages of FBI evidence that included Salazar's tweets, seized in a search warrant as part of the aforementioned FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) investigation. Salazar's lawyers called for a week to review the material. The judge compromised and gave them an hour.

When the court convened at the appointed time — the 21 pages ostensibly read and somewhat processed — Salazar's lawyers withdrew their bond motion without explanation. The ICE lawyers had no objection to keeping Salazar behind bars. Court was adjourned.

The contents of the 21 pages of Twitter tweeting remained uncharacterized. No one would comment on either side.
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From Protected Immigration Advocacy to Domestic Terrorism Threat?
By Todd Bensman
CIS Immigration Blog, August 20, 2018
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On August 3 in Texas, federal agents arrested a DACA student who reportedly is under FBI investigation for "threats of bomb-making" and was listed in a government database of potential threats. Sergio "Mapache" Salazar, an 18-year-old brought illegally into the United States at age two, was among activists occupying a makeshift protest camp outside a San Antonio-based U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) bond and processing facility, in part calling for the agency's elimination. It was with some irony (and cause for anger) that ICE agents arrested Salazar on an immigration detainer based on denial of his DACA renewal application a day earlier.

Friends, families, and immigration attorneys strongly denied any wrongdoing by Salazar and accused ICE agents of taking retribution on activists opposed to them. However, in light of information about other suspected activity attributed to Salazar, the immigration beef now seems to have been a means of getting Salazar off the streets while the FBI continues a national security investigation. One clue probably was inadvertently provided by Salazar's own attorneys of the legal advocacy group RAICES. In a press release, the organization disclosed that FBI agents repeatedly tried to interview him and at one point told him "they had a search warrant for his cell phone based on accusations ... related to impeding an officer and threats of bomb-making."
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Both Department of Labor and Private Suits Attack H-1B Practices
By David North
CIS Immigration Blog, August 22, 2018
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What is interesting here is that the Department of Labor is not going after Cisco as an employer, but as a government contractor, and, as we have noted before, the government has a lot more power as a customer than it does as a regulator. (I learned this lesson as a young DoL employee in the Kennedy administration; at that point Congress would not pass an equal employment opportunity law, but the government, as a customer, could impose EEO measures on its contractors, and the administration did just that.)

The DoL action is, in terms of the law, quite different from the private suits described above, but it aims in the same general direction — reining in the various abuses the government currently tolerates in the H-1B program.

All of this is in addition to some steps taken by DHS to ask more questions of H-1B employers, and to examine other ways of more strictly regulating the program.
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What Nation Is Second When the Big Outsourcers Are Hiring H-1Bs?
By David North
CIS Immigration Blog, August 21, 2018

One way of looking at the flagrant pro-Indian bias among the big outsourcing companies is to calculate the ratio of Indians hired through the H-1 program to nationals from the second nation favored by specific employers.
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Using 2,000 as our base in place of the usual 100 percent, Tata Consultancy, for example, is on record for the fiscal years 2005-2012 as hiring 1,994 Indian H-1B workers; coming in second was the United Arab Emirates, with (statistically) less than one hire. Wipro was a little less biased, but not much; its ratio was 1,992 Indians to less than one person from China.

If the hiring ratio is, as with Tata, 99.7 percent Indian, and in the second-most-popular nation the percentage is 0.0 percent, then we see the 1,994 is to be contrasted with the less than one, because 0.1 percent represents one out of 1,000. Tata must have hired at least one person from UAE, but not so many as to reach the one out of 2,000 ratio, which would have produced 0.05 percent, which would have been rounded to 0.1 percent.
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SPLC's Heidi Beirich: A Character Assassin Under the Banner of 'Peace, Respect, and Understanding'
By Jerry Kammer
CIS Immigration Blog, August 24, 2018
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Heidi Beirich has been instrumental in building the contemptible side of the SPLC, the side, which, as we reported in 2010, is marked by "a poverty of ideas, a dependence on dishonesty, and a lack of fundamental decency." She routinely engages in distortion, half-truths, cheap shots, smears, and character assassination. She is the SPLC's princess of darkness. She is the reason why National Review has written that while the SPLC was "once valuable", it has become "hateful and vile".

Beirich directs the SPLC's Intelligence Project, which oversees the Hatewatch blog, which monitors white supremacist and other extremist groups. She also directs the research for the SPLC's annual list of "hate groups". It is a well-publicized blacklist, a hall of shame, including some truly awful people like the Klan. But over the past decade Beirich has led an aggressive expansion of the list for the purpose of shaming mainstream socially conservative groups like the Family Research Council and the Center for Immigration Studies (whose staff also includes some moderate liberals like me who think the Democrats have lost their way by renouncing long-held concerns about illegal immigration). As Mark Potok, Beirich's long-time partner at the SPLC said, "[O]ur aim in life is to destroy these groups, completely destroy them."

Beirich applies the hate-group smear with all the precision and of a juvenile delinquent spray-painting obscenities on a schoolyard wall. She is equally reckless in her designation of extremists. As RealClearPolitics reported last year, "You can find yourself on the SPLC's 'hate map' if you haven't gotten fully aboard on gay marriage — or the Democratic Party's immigration views. In other words, the [SPLC] classifies individuals and organizations as purveyors of 'hate' for holding the same view on marriage espoused by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton until mid-2012."
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Steny Hoyer, Following the SPLC, Takes the Low Road Toward Electoral Oblivion
By Jerry Kammer
CIS Immigration Blog, August 21, 2018

Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, one of the leading Democrats in the House of Representatives, recently demonstrated why liberals' eagerness to vilify opponents has alienated so many Americans, pushing them toward Donald Trump. Hoyer provided a case study for the argument of University of Virginia political scientist Gerard Alexander that "a backlash against liberals — a backlash that most liberals don't seem to realize they're causing — is going to get President Trump re-elected."

Hoyer called on Francis Cissna, head of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, to cancel an interview scheduled at the National Press Club with Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies. Noting that the Southern Poverty Law Center had designated CIS as a "hate group", he said Cissna's agency "should not be tainted by your address to this hate group."

The interview went ahead as scheduled. (The video and transcript are here.) But Hoyer's publicity stunt proved his determination to placate critics who claim that the 79-year-old minority whip is too old and tired to provide the aggressive leadership the party requires. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is receiving the same criticism.

If Democrats are serious about taking back the White House, they should study Professor Alexander's essay in the New York Times. "Liberals can act as if they're not so certain — and maybe actually not be so certain — that bigotry motivates people who disagree with them on issues like immigration," he wrote. "Without sacrificing their principles, liberals can come across as more respectful of others. Self-righteousness is rarely attractive, and even more rarely rewarded."
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Somali Refugees Busted in Tucson
Immigration fraud is at the heart of a terror case . . . again.
By Michael Cutler, August 23, 2018
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The defendant, in this case, Mohamed Abdirahman Osman, allegedly claimed to be a citizen of Somalia, proffering a passport from that terror-linked country in the assumed identity of Mustaf Adan Arale when, in reality, he is a citizen of Ethiopia.

Had all aliens from Somalia been barred from entering the United States in 2014, as Somali citizens now are, per President Trump's proclamation, Osman and his wife would never have been admitted into the United States.

We are fortunate that their alleged involvement with terrorist organizations was discovered before they had an opportunity to carry out an attack, if that was, in fact, their goal. It is certainly disquieting to consider that, according to allegations contained in the indictment, that Osman had injured himself years ago by handling explosives.

The obvious question that must be asked is how this couple managed to successfully deceive the consular officials when they applied for refugee status in 2013. I would hope that the Office of Inspector General will conduct an investigation into the paper trail to determine if any misfeasance or malfeasance was involved.
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Democrats' Attack on ICE Agents Is Working
Why more terrorism is inevitable.
By Michael Cutler, August 22, 2018
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Arresting illegal alien employees frees up the jobs that they essentially stole from lawful immigrant and U.S. citizen workers.

Cuomo and his cohorts adamantly oppose such field investigation that protects national security and public safety and combat exploitation of vulnerable foreign workers while helping struggling Americans.

The outrageous accusation that ICE agents arrest "Law-abiding immigrants" creates the false narrative that ICE agents are acting illegally. Only law-breakers get arrested. Those who are "law-abiding" should have nothing to fear.

These dishonest politicians promise to "protect immigrants from ICE." Lawful immigrants do not need any protection from ICE. The only aliens who should be fearful of immigration law enforcement are those aliens who violate our laws.
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Here's the Terrible Secret About Why Democrats Did a Complete 180 on Illegal Immigration and Border Security
By Jenny Beth Martin
Fox News, August 20, 2018
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Back in 2006, when the Secure Fence Act was being considered in the Senate, Democratic party leaders envisioned a difficult presidential election in 2008. They wanted to secure their right flank against charges of being weak on illegal immigration. Supporting construction of a physical barrier seemed the thing to do. So 26 Democratic senators – including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Chuck Schumer – voted for it.
But that was then, and this is now.

As they look to 2020 and the chance to take on Donald Trump, they know that before they can engage Trump in the fall, they'll first have to win their party's nomination. The Democratic party nomination process is heavily influenced by the hard left, and they know it.

The hard left hates Donald Trump. The hard left doesn't want anything to do with Donald Trump. The hard left would turn down anything and everything – universal health care under the guise of "Medicare for all," or even a universal basic wage (that is, free money from other taxpayers) – if they believed it came from Trump.

If Trump touches it, they reason, it must be bad.

How do I know? Because we all saw the perfect example of this play out earlier this year when President Trump offered Democrats – who were seeking to institutionalize President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program – a path to citizenship (their highest demand!) for THREE TIMES as many illegal immigrants as they had ever hoped to bargain for (!). But there was one hitch – Trump wanted funding for a border wall.

And congressional Democrats knew that the hard left would never let them get away with voting to fund construction of a border wall that might actually reduce the number of illegal border crossings, even if would let them legalize and set on a path to citizenship almost 2 million illegal immigrants. So the Democrats turned him down.

Meanwhile, hard left activists focused on generating energy and excitement for hard left candidates in Democratic party primary elections. They upped their demands on the immigration front – not only did they demand their candidates oppose construction of a physical barrier at the border and support citizenship for illegal immigrants, they wanted to abolish ICE entirely.
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Reduce Undocumented Population by Targeting Aliens Overstaying Visa Waiver Program
By Nolan Rappaport, August 22, 2018
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The only chance Trump has of reducing the population of undocumented aliens while he works on eliminating the backlog is to concentrate his enforcement resources on apprehending aliens who can be removed without a hearing.

He already is utilizing expedited removal proceedings. The only other source of deportable aliens who can be removed without a hearing is the Visa Waiver Program (VWP).

The VWP allows eligible visitors from the following 38 countries to enter the United States for 90 days as nonimmigrant visitors for business or pleasure without obtaining a visa from a U.S. consulate abroad. The program includes:
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If a VWP alien does not leave at the end of his admission period, he can be removed without a hearing on the order of a district director, unless he applies for asylum or withholding of removal, and relatively few VWP aliens are able to qualify for either. Most of them are from Europe and it is difficult for aliens from Europe to establish asylum eligibility.

Moreover, there is a one-year time limit on applying for asylum.
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The Diversity of Illegal Immigration
By Victor Davis Hanson
Hoover Institute, August 23, 2018
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Rural Central California is sort of ground zero for illegal immigration and its auxiliary effects. From experience, I can attest that the vast majority of illegal aliens are fine people, hard-working, and whose first and second offenses of entering and residing illegally in the United States were not followed by third and fourth acts of criminality.

Certainly after twenty-one years of teaching Latin, Greek, and humanities to immigrants at CSU Fresno, both legal and illegal, I believed that the melting pot can still work and most Hispanic arrivals integrate, assimilate, and intermarry with increasingly frequency despite the often-shrill protestations of campus identity politics advocates.

But the numbers of illegal immigrants have become so large—ranging from an estimated 11–20 million now residing in the United States—that both pessimism and optimism are now warranted. If only ten percent have criminal records or inordinately break laws, then the good news is that many millions more are likely working and crime free. The bad news is that somewhere between one and two million have entered our country illegally and repaid that generosity with criminality or ID theft or fraud.
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Why Illegal-Immigrant Crime Can Be Particularly Painful
Americans are justified in their anger when officials ignore warning signs.
By David French
National Review Online, August 23, 2018
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Do you want more immigration? Let's have that debate. Let's decide the number of people we want in the country, and let's make sure — as much as we can — that this number does not include people with known criminal histories. Americans know that no population is perfect. We know that a certain number of legal immigrants will commit crimes, just as a certain number of native-born Americans will commit crimes. But there is a difference between doing due diligence and no diligence at all.

In fact, while it's difficult to get precise data on the extent or rate of illegal-immigrant crime in this country, information from even the most illegal-immigrant-friendly sources shows that legal immigrants commit homicide at lower rates than illegal immigrants. Screening makes a difference.

To an extent, Americans have "priced in" the existence of crime in this country. We know some neighborhoods are more violent than others. We know some behaviors are more risky than others. But we also know that there's no way to live an entirely risk-free life. Crime will happen.
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Don't Exaggerate the Effects on Immigrant Admissions of Tightening the Public-Charge Rule
By Reihan Salam
National Review Online, August 24, 2018

The Migration Policy Institute (MPI), a think tank devoted to the study of immigration policy in the U.S. and elsewhere, has been publishing a great deal of work on the prospect of a Trump-era revision to the "public-charge" rule, which was last overhauled in 1999. Among other things, their work has demonstrated just how much recent immigrants to the U.S. depend on safety-net benefits, which is very much to their credit, as these are facts that many other immigration advocates tend to ignore or obscure. So it was with great interest that I read a new report from MPI on how a revised public-charge rule might change the composition of immigrant inflows to the U.S. My concern, however, is that this new report might create a misleading impression, as it overlooks important aspects of how green cards are issued.
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Is the current public-charge rule too lax? I believe so, and I've made that case elsewhere. (That said, I draw a bright line between applying the rule to future admissions, which I think makes sense, and to green-card holders who already reside in the country, which strikes me as a serious mistake.)

But let's leave that aside for the moment to focus on a different question: What would happen if the U.S. were to adopt a more stringent standard for non-humanitarian immigrants? To simplify matters, MPI uses being above or below 250 percent of the federal poverty line (roughly $62,000 for a family of four) as a proxy for who'd clear the threshold under the Trump administration's proposed public-charge rule.
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Rural America and Illegal Immigration
By Steve Deace
Conservative Review, August 24, 2018
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I grew up on a family dairy farm in a rural area. In 1967, my dad sold our cows because the price of milk was so low that he could not make a living, and it did not make sense to expand. My brother and brother-in-law both worked in the dairy field until recent retirement. My brother owned a small operation, but my brother-in-law worked for a large family farm that has grown into corporate size. He started as a young married man with no high school diploma and worked up to become the facilities manager/crop manager of an operation of 3,000 dairy cows.

Most of their low-level employees are Mexicans. Their Social Security numbers have been run and they all have one. State law doesn't insist on that check and prohibits anything further. Taxes are taken out of their checks, and they all have lots of dependents. They receive a cash envelope with their pay stub, since few have any relationship with a bank.

At tax time, they apply for child tax credit and tax refunds because they have so many dependents, although most of these workers are single young men, living in the numerous farmhouses that came with all the family farms purchased by their employers over the years.

Many of them are good workers, but there is a downside culturally. On Friday evenings, vans filled with young women pull up to the varied houses, and they get out and stay for a while. Drunk driving is a problem in the county. A few years back, one barn had evidence of animal sexual abuse, forcing the management to fire everyone and sell all the cows to close down that facility. My brother-in-law was so sickened he could hardly speak about it without disgust and anger.
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The Open-Borders Crowd's "Imaginary Constitution" Says Everywhere Must Be a Sanctuary City
By David Jaroslav, August 24, 2018
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Under the Imaginary Constitution, immigration detainers violate the Fourth Amendment. State and local law enforcement aren't just allowed but actually constitutionally required to ignore them. From suburban Long Island to South Florida and from rural Colorado to Nashville, the anti-detainer suits are always essentially the same. They say someone can never be held in state or local custody except with probable cause of the commission of a crime. Never mind that even U.S. citizens are routinely held in custody for other civil matters, like non-payment of child support. Never mind that the Fourth Amendment says nothing like this, but only that searches and seizures have to be "reasonable." And never mind that the only court to directly address this issue, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in upholding Texas's anti-sanctuary law, specifically held that detainers do not violate the Fourth Amendment.

Under the Imaginary Constitution, sanctuary jurisdictions are entitled to federal taxpayer money to subsidize their willfully breaking federal law. Never mind that the federal government put conditions on that money saying otherwise. And never mind that the Supreme Court has said for decades that such "strings" can be attached to federal money. According to the Imaginary Constitution, that's outrageous "coercion."
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Why Come to America if They Don't Want to be Americans?
By Jeffrey A. Friedberg
American Thinker, August 18, 2018 . . .

About 58 percent, or nearly 6-in-10 refugees have "below basic" English skills after living in the U.S. for five years. These unassimilated refugees are sometimes described as "functionally illiterate[.]" ...
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Based upon commonsense analysis of the presented facts, it seems some of these "folks" do not come here to actually be Americans. It seems they do not want to be "assimilated" or to learn English. Or work. Or be responsible for their own finances, or for any employable future.

If you come to another country, but you have no dream to become one with it – and you express hatred and anger for your host while praising and promoting your own country and vengefully flying its flag, and you say out loud that you want to vanquish and control the host – then you are a foreign invader. A conquering army.
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Elizabeth Warren To Mollie Tibbetts' Family: You Need To Focus On 'Real Problems' Like Immigrant Family Separations
By Bre Payton
The Federalist, August 22, 2018
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"I think we need immigration laws that focuses on people who pose a real threat and I don't think mamas and babies are where we should be spending our resources," she said. "Separating a mama from a baby does not make this country safer."

While some parents have been temporarily separated from their families in accordance with the law at the border, immigration officials have found some of the "parents" are actually escorting children across the border who do not belong to them.

The Department of Health and Human Services, which has been assisting in the Trump Administration's efforts to reunite illegal immigrant children under the age of five with their parents, has found that one in five of these adults were unfit to be reunited with the children they brought with them to the U.S. illegally.

HHS data shows that 21 of the alleged parents of 102 children between the ages of 0-4 wanted for murder were not the child's parent, were involved in human trafficking, had outstanding criminal warrants, or were being treated for a communicable disease while in custody.
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Uncontrolled Immigration Seemingly Baked into System
By Bruce Bialosky, August 26, 2018
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I then posed this: "The problem is with 60,000 or so a month coming here and claiming amnesty, we end up with more than a half million a year who get into our country not going through the normal immigration process. They are here because they will end up getting government benefits because there are not jobs for these people who have few skills and we do not get to choose who comes into our country -- they do. Thus, it is a modified open borders policy and that is what you appear to be endorsing." His response was "Wildly inaccurate. Immigrants work at higher rates."

He is correct there; immigrants also have a higher home ownership rate.

The problem is he omitted a key word – LEGAL immigrants. Also, we have a lot of unfilled jobs, but those are for skilled workers. I may be wrong, but I am just guessing the illegal immigrants are not highly-trained technicians.

I responded to him by stating: "The bottom line is you are arguing that we should let all these people in here, put ankle bracelets on them hoping they will return to court. We will pay for their health care and other benefits and then at some point they will get legalized through the next amnesty program. How is that not an endorsement of open borders?" His response: "What do you not understand about these people coming through our legal process?"
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'Future of the Dem Party' Ocasio-Cortez Just Said ICE Freely Molests Women
By S. Noble
The Independent Sentinel, August 21, 2018
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This woman is headed to Congress and spews hateful lies. Democrats protect her because she is pushing the extreme agenda they want.

ICE has not been accused of sexually assaulting any women but the cartels do.

Her comment about deportation is ludicrous because she has already called for open borders.
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We Are All Mollie Tibbetts Today — Our Country Mourns This Senseless Murder, August 22, 2018
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From a metropolitan West Coast city to the rural cornfields of Iowa, illegal immigrants who committed heinous crimes changed two American families forever. The potential contributions to this country by two lives will now forever go unfulfilled.

It's far from just two families or two circles of people that are affected by these vicious acts, of course. Crime — whether it's the illegal drugs that so many Americans are addicted to, or human trafficking, or rampant gang activity, or murder — all of these travesties weaken the collective fabric of America.
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Elizabeth Warren's Tone-Deaf Talk on CNN Could Alienate Iowa Voters
By Hillary Chabot
The Boston Herald, August 23, 2018
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"I'm so sorry for the family and I know this is hard, not only for the family but for the people in her community, the people throughout Iowa," Warren said about Tibbetts, whose disappearance gripped the Hawkeye State for the last month.

"But," Warren continued, "one of the things we have to remember is we need an immigration system that is effective, that focuses on where real problems are."
Warren then made an impassioned plea to reunite families of illegal immigrants detained at the United States border — a subject change that left fuming GOP critics baffled.
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"An innocent girl was murdered by an illegal immigrant, and Elizabeth Warren treats it like an inconvenience to her talking points," wrote Republican National Party chairwoman Ronna McDaniels on Twitter.
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Warren has become a key Democratic critic of President Trump and appears to be preparing for a 2020 challenge — meeting with key political operatives in Iowa and other early presidential voting states. But Beach said Warren's answer is likely to alienate Iowa voters.
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#AbolishICE "Abolished" Mollie Tibbetts
The greatest monument to Mollie is not a tombstone, but a wall.
By Daniel Greenfield, August 23, 2018
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The real problem is that there still aren't enough illegal aliens in America. At least not enough to assure a charmless, corrupt crony socialist fraud like Elizabeth Warren a clear shot at the White House despite her otherwise stellar standing in the Politburo. Twenty, forty million more illegals and then it's over.

That's why to the Democrats, the emotions of an illegal alien are worth more than Mollie's life.

That's why Mollie, and so many women and girls like her, have ended up in cornfields, in alleyways, in cars, choking to death, lying in pools of their own blood, and then buried under the earth.

#AbolishICE means abolishing not only their lives, but the horrifying truth about why they died.

After a month of Mollie smiling broadly from missing persons posters and television broadcasts, volunteer search parties tramping through Iowa, the FBI and the media hounding a local farmer, a reward that grew to $400,000, the mystery turned out not to be a mystery at all. The psychology student had met the same fate that had overtaken so many other women across America.

Mollie joins a posthumous sorority whose members include: Kate Steinle, shot to death on a San Francisco pier while her illegal alien killer got away with his crime, Adrienne (Levine) Shelly, the actress behind the indie hit Waitress, hung while still alive and left to die by an Ecuadorian illegal alien construction worker hired to work in her building, Mariah Lopez, a 13-year-old girl beheaded near an Alabama cemetery, Ann Farrin and Neidy Roche, their strangled bodies found in a car in Miami, and now, even as Mollie's body was just found, Enedelia Perez Garcia, dead of multiple stab wounds in Minnesota, but whose killer, a Mexican illegal alien deported in 2012, is facing an ICE detainer now.
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The Politicians Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts
By George Rasley, August 22, 2018
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It is past time for Americans to focus their righteous wrath on the real killers in these cases – the open borders politicians. And it's time to name names and hold them accountable for the thousands of deaths that lie at their feet.

Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, NRCC Chairman Rep. Steve Stivers and Democrats like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, California Governor Jerry Brown, Oregon Judge Monica Herranz, Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaaf and the rest of the open borders politicians and judges are the ones who killed Mollie Tibbetts.

The toll-free Capitol Switchboard is (1-866-220-0044) we urge our friends and CHQ readers to draw a line in the sand before the 2018 midterms. Demand that the Wall be funded before the election and demand of each House and Senate candidate that they will support funding and building the Wall on our southern border NOW, and that President Trump be given the funds, and new authorities if needed, to undertake an aggressive program of interior immigration enforcement NOW.
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What is the Acceptable Number of Murders and Rapes of American Daughters to Accommodate Illegal Aliens?
By Dr. John, August 21, 2018
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Tonight Tucker Carlson had on an illegal alien invasion advocate who began comparing the murder of Mollie Tibbets to the alleged murders of a wife and two daughters at the hand of Christopher Watts.

Murder is always horrible, but Watts had a right to be in this country. None of the above illegals did. They should not have been in this country.
Had they been properly deported, the above three daughters do not die and another child is not raped.

You might think that liberals would be ashamed of their rigid defense of illegal alien invasion. You'd be wrong. Once faced with the fallout of their actions and policies, they resort to feigning indignation that someone might politicize these deaths and rapes. In other words, shut up about it.
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A Nazi War Criminal Meets ICE
The story the "Abolish ICE" crowd doesn't want you to hear.
By Joseph Klein, August 22, 2018
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German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has been critical of President Trump in the past. However, that did not stop him from finally agreeing to the Trump administration's request to accept Palij into Germany. "We accept the moral obligation of Germany, in whose name terrible injustice was committed under the Nazis," Mr. Maas told the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on Tuesday "We are taking responsibility vis-à-vis the victims of National Socialism and our international partners — even if that demands of us what are at times politically difficult considerations."

Ironically, ICE implemented the deportation order to remove the ex-Nazi Palij from his residence located in the very same congressional district that the democratic-socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who wants to abolish ICE, is running to represent. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez fundraised with a group, Occupy ICE LA, that referred to ICE as "the Gestapo." To protest ICE, she called for a full press occupation strategy, even declaring "We need to occupy every airport." Jakiw Palij, an agent of the Nazis whose real Gestapo played a key role in the Nazi plan to exterminate the Jews of Europe, would have been happy if Ms. Ocasio-Cortez's airport occupation strategy had succeeded. Then his plane to Dusseldorf, Germany might not have been able to take off and he could have been back living, at least temporarily, in the district that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, who hates ICE detention camps, wants to serve.
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Elizabeth Warren Takes Wrong Side
The Boston Herald, August 24, 2018
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"Last month, I went down to the border and I saw where children had been taken away from their mothers. I met with those mothers who had been lied to, who didn't know where their children were, who hadn't had a chance to talk to their children and there was no plan for how they would be reunified with their children. I think we need immigration laws that focus on people who pose a real threat and I don't think that mamas and babies are the place that we should be spending our resources. Separating a mama from her baby does not make this country safer."

It was a remarkable moment for Sen. Warren, who bared her soul for all to see and hear. Her concern is not for American victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants, it is for the illegal immigrants.

American citizens are regarded as less-than by progressives and their stories are considered a nuisance to the driving narrative that we are all complicit of crimes against this group or that and we have no moral authority to do anything but shut up and pay up.

This original sin is shared by most Americans, according their ideology, and the implication is that families like the Tibbetts, who've been victimized by someone of greater intersectional value, should simply "walk it off."
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Mollie Tibbetts' Death by an Illegal Alien Was Tragic But the REALLY Bad News Is She's Far From the Only One
By J.D. Heyes
The National Sentinel, August 23, 2018
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"But for every Rivera, there are hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who commit crimes that do not make news beyond their local communities. Those illegal immigrants consume most of the energy and time of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers throughout the country," Lifezette reported Wednesday.

Many Americans who only get their 'news' from fake news central CNN, MSNBC, and the legacy newspapers don't know that, because they're only told how many new protests there have been against Immigration and Customs Enforcement, whose officers are 'literally ripping children' out of the arms of their illegal immigrant parents. It's hogwash and it's unnecessary inflammatory.

Besides that, it masks a much larger, far more serious issue: The fact that for every average American being fed the BS about ICE and the Trump administration's immigration enforcement efforts, they are put at much higher risk of injury and death by someone in our country illegally, according to the statistics.

"I don't think people have any appreciation of the huge numbers of crimes ICE deals with," Matthew O'Brien, director of research at the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), told the website.

As a lawyer for ICE, he said he dealt with 16 to 20 deportation cases a day and the vast majority of them involved criminal aliens.
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Two Young Women Murdered; Two Illegals Suspected
By R. Cort Kirkwood
The New American, August 22, 2018
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Rivera, the Post reported, "was in the country illegally and appears to have used a stolen identification card to satisfy a federal immigration background check by his employer through the Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system."

Said President Trump, that "should have never happened ... the immigration laws are such a disgrace. We're getting them changed."

Corey Stewart, the GOP candidate who seeks to replace illegal-alien sympathizer Senator Tim Kaine, noted the obvious: "There are thousands of victims like Mollie because weak politicians are afraid to enforce the law."

Leftist talkers pretended nothing had happened. In complaining that Republicans were working for Donald Trump and not the American people, an MSNBC announcer said that "Fox News ... is talking about a girl in Iowa."

And Elizabeth Warren, the senator from Massachusetts, allowed that she is sorry for the parents, but added that it's time to move on to an "effective" immigration policy that will focus on
"where the real problems are." Warren specifically referred to the illegal-alien children "separated" from parents at the border with Mexico.
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The Garcia Case

The murder of Enedelia Garcia is similar to Mollie's, except that she knew the suspect, Fraider Diaz-Carbajal. He is a dangerous criminal who had been deported nearly six years ago, but who somehow recrossed the border.

According to the Star-Tribune, "Garcia came to Diaz-Carbajal's apartment to retrieve some of her belongs, having moved about a month ago to a friend's home 'due to the domestic abuse,' court records revealed."
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Let Them Stay
By Christian Alejandro Gonzalez
The Weekly Standard, August 17, 2018
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Immigration hardliners favor this decision. They worry, first, that TPS beneficiaries will be allowed to live and work in America forever, because no presidential administration will ever have the wherewithal to revoke their TPS and deport them. Second, they point out that TPS recipients are not especially in need of U.S. largesse. The conditions of Haiti, Honduras, and El Salvador may be dire, but so are those of Venezuela, the Central African Republic, and Eritrea—three countries not designated by the government for TPS. Should their nationals also be eligible? Where are we to draw the limit? Finally, they worry that the TPS debate puts at stake the credibility of the U.S. immigration regime. Ending TPS, they argue, would move us closer to the ideal of seriously protecting American sovereignty.

While these concerns raise some legitimate questions, they are ultimately misplaced. To the first point, for example: Although there is something incoherent about allowing "Temporary" Protected Status to be renewed for all eternity, this incoherence is not an argument for ending TPS; it merely suggests that the law should be updated to reflect new realities. More than half of the TPS recipients from El Salvador and Honduras have lived in America for more than 20 years, per research from the Center for Migration Studies. The same study determined that TPS beneficiaries from those two countries plus Haiti have had around 273,000 children who are, naturally, American citizens by virtue of their birthplace. They all stand to see their families ripped asunder. A simple "Revoke TPS, deport those who remain" proposal fails to grapple with the fact that these are people who have settled down, birthed American children, and raised families.

Which brings us to the second concern: Is it the United States' obligation to accept all poor immigrants across its borders? Obviously not. Even wealthy countries do not have the resources to bring in all the globe's indigent people in some utopian attempt to improve the condition of the unfortunate. Nor should wealthy countries be expected to accomplish what is clearly an impossible task. The trouble is that TPS recipients are already in America. Their place of residence necessarily changes the nature of moral deliberations to be made about deporting them, given that TPS beneficiaries live in the United States and would face dreadful living conditions if expelled.
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Republican lawmakers, including Florida representative Carlos Curbelo, have proposed alternatives more humane than the Trump administration's. Curbelo's would create a path to legal residence for TPS recipients from Haiti, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Honduras, subject to considerations on past criminal convictions and certain time cutoffs. Given that TPS itself has become politically controversial, it could be phased out even as the people who benefitted from it are allowed to legally remain in the United States. This idea is similar to a proposal from Rep. Mike Coffman, which would end the program but grant permanent status to past TPS holders within a certain time frame. Such measures must pass through Congress, so in the end it is up to legislators to craft a morally defensible strategy to let TPS recipients stay if the program is reformed or scrapped. But Trump's proposals cannot proceed as planned.
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How Trump Radicalized ICE
A long-running inferiority complex, vast statutory power, a chilling new directive from the top—inside America's unfolding immigration tragedy
By Franklin Foer
The Atlantic, September 2018 Issue
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Under the current administration, many of the formal restraints on ice have been removed. In the first eight months of the Trump presidency, ice increased arrests by 42 percent. Immigration enforcement has been handed over to a small clique of militant anti-immigration wonks. This group has carefully studied the apparatus it now controls. It knows that the best strategy for accomplishing its goal of driving out undocumented immigrants is quite simply the cultivation of fear. And it knows that the latent power of ice, amassed with the tacit assent of both parties, has yet to be fully realized.
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The culture of ice is defined by a bureaucratic caste system—the sort of hierarchical distinctions that seem arcane and petty from the outside, but are essential to those on the inside. When ice was created, 15 years ago, two distinct and disparate workforces merged into one. The Immigration part of the agency's name refers mostly to deportation officers who came over from the freshly dismantled Immigration and Naturalization Service. The Customs part of the name refers to investigators imported from the Treasury Department. This was a shotgun marriage, filled with bickering and enmity from the start. The customs investigators had adored their old institutional home and the built-in respect it accorded them. They were given little warning before being moved to a new headquarters, with new supervisors, a nebulous mission, and colleagues they considered their professional inferiors. When I interviewed one of the customs investigators, who later had a top job at ice, he still referred to the "unfortunate events of March 1, 2003"—the day ice came into official existence.
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Listen to Mollie Tibbetts' Family, Not the Fear-Mongering Rhetoric
By Marcos Bretón
The Sacramento Bee, August 24, 2018
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With the lines sufficiently blurred, my loyal reader friend's observations about the case of Mollie Tibbetts and Cristhian Rivera are not surprising. Here's how the reader blurred the lines of the case to fit the profile of suspicion promoted by Trump: "Another fine dreamer? Just imagine how her father feels. You sure we don't need a wall? Do we have the right to control who comes in to our country?"

The short answer is that Rivera should be prosecuted and, if he is found guilty in a court of law, he should be sentenced to the fullest extent of the law. This really shouldn't be complicated, but it is because what's driving the president and the coverage of Tibbetts case is not about simple law and order.

When my reader describes Rivera as "another fine dreamer," he's referring to the undocumented immigrant kids who were brought to our country when they were little, often not realizing until years later that they were undocumented. President Barack Obama created the special designation called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, so these young people would be less subject to deportation.
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The family of Mollie Tibbetts gets it. Samantha Lucas, a second cousin of Tibbets, said this to CNN: "She would not want (her death) to be used as fuel against undocumented immigrants."
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Punishing Lawfulness: Trump's Assault on Authorized Migration
By David Hernández, August 16, 2018
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The Trump administration is also targeting citizenship itself, making naturalized citizenship more difficult to obtain for poorer migrants. The administration began drafting rule changes in early 2018 that would reinterpret the centuries-old "public charge" liability designation that bars naturalization for immigrants who use a range of public benefits that they or their families are eligible for—including food stamps, children's health insurance, tax credits, and other benefits. It has also begun to scrutinize already-closed citizenship cases to in an attempt to denaturalize citizens. Even citizenship—the only irrevocable and permanent immigration status—is under threat. Although last year the Supreme Court ruled that citizenship could not be revoked over minor falsehoods—like failing to disclose a traffic violation—there isn't a statute of limitation on the government's authority to do so. The policy's true scale, then, is the collapse of the "assumption of permanence," as Masha Gessen argues in the New Yorker." All of them—all of us—are second class citizens now."

Many of Trump's longer term goals fall beyond the reach of administrative capability and would require congressional action. So far, most of the administration's policies have emanated from the Oval Office and not the halls of Congress. Still, the president has tweeted test balloons and envisioned sweeping changes to immigration legislation. Trump mongered fear on Twitter over "chain migration"—or family reunification policy, which was established in 1965 as a salve for racist country-of-origin quotas. He's directed his ire toward the "diversity" lottery—established temporarily in 1986 and permanently in 1990 to "reinvigorate European migration," according to Hiroshi Motomura. Perhaps it was the word "diversity" that irked the President or that the lottery, for decades a vehicle for European migrants, has increasingly become an avenue for African migration.
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Macron's Partition of France?
By Yves Mamou
Gatestone Institute, August 25, 2018
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In a confessional book, "A President Shouldn't Say That...", published in 2016, a few months before the 2017 French presidential election, France's then President François Hollande admitted that France has "a problem with Islam. No one doubts it," he wrote. He wrote as well that France has a problem with veiled women in public and with mass immigration. Then he added: "How can one avoid a partition? Because that is still what is happening: a partition".

The "partition" about which Hollande was talking was the partition of France -- one part for Muslims and another for non-Muslims.

Hollande's successor, President Emmanuel Macron, elected to office in 2017, appears to think that this risk of partition is actually the solution. Looking at what he has said and done since his election, one can say that the division of the country is in progress. Officially, of course, Macron continues to be the guardian of the Constitution, which embodies national unity. But step by step, a strategy of the partition of France appears to be at work.

The first step of this partition process was, it seems, to create a new adversary. For Macron, the adversary was not radical Islam, which some see as having murdered hundreds of people in France in recent years, but radical secularism, which has never murdered anybody. In December 2017, for instance, a few months after his election, Macron organized a meeting with the representatives of six religions (Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Muslim, Jewish and Buddhist) at the presidential Elysée Palace. At this meeting, Macron reportedly "critically questioned the radicalization of secularism." Not much filtered out of this meeting beyond that little quote -- presumably on purpose. In October 2016, before his election, Macron had denounced the defenders of "a spiteful vision of secularism." After his election, however, the presidential creed has never varied. According to it, political Islam is a not the problem; the resistance to it is.
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