
Friday, August 26, 2022

New Podcast Episode: Former ICE Director Tom Homan Discusses The State of Immigration Enforcement with The Center for Immigration Studies

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WASHINGTON, D.C. (August 26, 2022) – A record number of illegal aliens have been caught at the U.S. Southwest border this year, and more than 1 million have been released into the United States. Despite these historic numbers, the arrest, detention, and removal of illegal aliens inside the country is down as a result of the Biden administration's disregard for the enforcement of immigration laws. Robust border security and interior enforcement work together to provide a deterrent to illegal immigration but both are being undermined by the White House, and increased illegal immigration is the natural result.

Tom Homan, former director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, joins Parsing Immigration Policy this week to discuss the Biden administration's lack of transparency on the dangerous public safety impact of its policies, and the insufficient response from Congress.
Homan and guest host Jon Feere, the Center's Director of Investigations and former ICE Chief of Staff, focus on the policy differences between the Trump and Biden administrations and discuss the disturbing results of the current administration's restrictions on immigration enforcement, which has seen a decrease in arrests even of aliens guilty of homicide, sexual assault, robbery, assault, and kidnapping. Homan concludes that border security cannot exist without interior enforcement and that illegal behavior can only be deterred when there are consequences.

Listen to today's podcast to hear about the importance of detention, worksite enforcement (a source for identifying trafficking and smuggling cases), and the impact our nation's porous borders are having on national security.

Homan and Feere explain that the next Congress must provide ICE and the Border Patrol an increase in resources that is commensurate with the massive increase in illegal immigration. They reason that Congress must also be much more demanding of the Department of Homeland Security and require a minimum number of arrests, removals, filled detention beds, and new officers hired, so that the Executive Branch is stopped from exploiting the discretion it has previously been given by Congress.
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